Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So I lost my phone yesterday morning.  It is driving me crazy!!!  I know that I'm pretty attached to my phone, but didn't realize just how much until I didn't have it anymore.  Good thing I have the internet, otherwise I would feel so disconnected!  I just want to be able to call my husband or send a quick text or make a dentist appointment.

Seriously, what did people do before phones??? (Oh yeah-they walked over to their neighbor's house and actually talked face to face.  Imagine, that. :) )

I'm trying to figure out just what God is trying to teach me here.  I know that not every single thing that happens in your day happens because God is trying to teach you something, but I think that losing my phone IS definitely a teachable moment.  One question that has popped up in my mind-Am I as dependent on God as I am on my cell phone? Am I looking for Him in everything, everywhere?  What if I took more time out of my day to search for Him in my life?  Does it drive me crazy if I can't find Him?

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